Beyond the Horizon


Revolution of a great emperor

 Once upon a time in a vast kingdom, there lived a young prince called Oliver. His father, King Alexander, had a grand ambition to become an emperor. To achieve this dream, King Alexander engaged in wars, conquering neighboring lands with his mighty armies. But Prince Oliver did not like cruelty and violence. He believed a way of peace, where people could live together without fear.

One day, King Alexander called upon his son to join with him in a war against a great kingdom. Oliver didn't want to fight, but as a respect to his father's words, he reluctantly joined the battle. Sadly, they were defeated, and King Alexander was killed in a cruel way by oppositions. 

The scene of his father's death haunted Oliver's mind. He felt an immense guilt for being a part of the war that caused so much pain and suffering. Determined to honor his father's dream and find peace within himself, Oliver decided to work hard and become an excellent warrior.

With dedication and perseverance, Prince Oliver trained day and night, becoming an excellent warrior. He rebuilt his kingdom and with his immense strength he set out to conquer other lands, just as his father had done. 

As he won battle after battle, Oliver felt a fleeting sense of triumph, but it never lasted. Deep down he felt that there was something wrong in his path. The more kingdoms he conquered, the heavier his heart became, and he still felt no peace inside.

One day, after another victorious battle, Oliver stood on a hill overlooking the conquered land. Instead of feeling victory minded he felt a profound sadness. He realized that despite achieving his father's dream and becoming a great emperor, he was still tormented by the guilt of his past actions. 

Lost in thought, Oliver walked into a nearby village. There he met an old sage who saw the troubled look on the prince's face. The sage approached Oliver and asked, "What burdens your heart, young prince?" Tears welled up in Oliver's eyes, and he poured out his feelings of guilt and emptiness. The sage listened carefully and then spoke gently, "True peace cannot be found in conquest and power. It lies in compassion and understanding. To find peace, you must change your ways.

" These words were deeply felt in Oliver's heart. He knew the sage was right. He couldn't find peace by following the path of war and domination. With newfound clarity, he promised himself to put an end to his conquests and seek a different way.

Prince Oliver returned to his kingdom and announced a new era of peace and cooperation. He used his strength and wisdom to help neighboring kingdoms instead of conquering them. He built bridges of friendship. 

As time passed, the kingdom flourished under Oliver's clever rule. People from different kingdoms lived harmoniously, sharing their cultures and learning from each other.

Oliver's heart felt lighter as he witnessed the happiness he brought to his people. He had finally found the peace he sought within himself. His father's dream of an empire had been replaced with a greater dream – a dream of unity, compassion, and lasting peace. And in this pursuit, Prince Oliver became a true king, loved and respected by his people and admired by the world.

Name - H.M. Deshan Chamika - 224164

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